La tua salute a 360°

Clinica polispecialistica per tutte le tue esigenze

  • Competenza ed esperienza
  • Attrezzature mediche all’avanguardia
  • Tempi rapidi per le visite
  • Ampia gamma di esami e visite cliniche
  • Piano di cura dettagliato
our history

32 Years of Success

We have introduced the principle of family medicine, which means that the family practitioner will handle the majority of medical requests, with a specialists involved only if necessary.

Founding of the First Clinic

We have introduced the principle of family medicine, which means that the family practitioner will.


Expansion Team of Doctors

We have introduced the principle of family medicine, which means that the family practitioner will.


Global Breakthrough

We have introduced the principle of family medicine, which means that the family practitioner will.


Equipment Upgrade

We have introduced the principle of family medicine, which means that the family practitioner will.


Re-Branding of the Network

We have introduced the principle of family medicine, which means that the family practitioner will.


Competenza e qualità

Perchè sceglierci

Il tuo benessere in un unico centro

Un unico centro per offrirti una vasta gamma di prestazioni in campo medico per rispondere efficacemente ai tuoi bisogni.

Il nostro staff si compone di medici esperti, con anni di esperienza alle spalle, che lavorano con le più moderne tecnologie per offrirti il massimo in termini di prestazioni e cure.

Clinica Marciano vuole essere un modello sanitario efficace e innovativo per tutte le esigenze dei nostri pazienti.